Tuesday, January 30, 2018


It's a simple question. And after 6 months it is one that I have been asked a few times. ( I have asked myself many times) Why would a guy who wanted to open a brewery give up brewing and drinking?
I have been sober for 219 days. That is the longest I have gone without a drink in over 30 years. Let that sink in for a minute. I was certainly not a daily drinker all that time. I wasn't a daily drinker most of it. But in my recent past I was drinking a lot more days than I wasn't. For some people that works. But it wasn't working for me. Alcoholism is a progressive disease. If you like to drink then you will continue to drink more and more until it stops working. That's right. That great feeling you get after a few drinks? That eventually stops happening. And then it is just numbing. It's not fun anymore. It's survival. By the grace of God I didn't get there. But I was on my way.

In the past month or so I have had the feeling that I could have a beer and be fine. And I honestly think that is true. But for me it wouldn't be that one. It would be the many 2 weeks later. And after 6 months of experiencing life without drinking I know it isn't worth it. So, there are many answers to the question but the simple answer is its not worth it anymore. Or to say it another way, there are way too many things that are so much better sober. It is easy to see sobriety as "giving up" things but there is more to gain every day.

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