Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 3 the tide starts to turn

Well, it's 5:30 am and I am drinking a beer in my room at the end of a very long day. We are not ready for the show but we will be by tonight. After Day 2 I had pretty low expectations for Day 3 of load in. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the 3 events that I loaded in today had most of the equipment ordered and on site. It took a little bit to get everything to the right place but that was light years ahead of yesterday. The 2 smaller events were in good enough shape that I was able to leave them to finish by noon. The 3rd event has multiple days to load in so just by starting it we are ahead. With all this good news I was able to take 15 minutes and take a dip in the Caribbean. It has been a long time since I swam in a warm, clear, calm sea. Now I see why people come here. The swim was short so that I could get in a nap before going to the night shift. Back at the 1st event Things did not go as smoothly there but in the end we got enough done. After tomorrow night's event all signs point to things getting easier for the rest of the week.
If all goes well I will actually have time to take some pictures. 

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